Parish Mission



We, the people of the Parish of St. Bernard of Clairvaux and St. Stanislaus Kostka, are a living Christian community, who through worship, education and service, proclaim our faith in God and pursue this as our mission.

We have faith in the love, strength and purpose of God. It is this faith in God and the teachings of Jesus, which enrich our lives and give us direction. We join here as His community to worship and pray and to be the foundation upon which we build, for our neighbors and ourselves,lives of holiness and dignity.

We are committed to strengthening our parish community and encourage spiritual growth by offering a vital, living ministry; one which responds to our ever changing needs. We believe in the value of secular and religious education for all ages and in the parish as a meaningful instrument through which these must be offered. We believe in the sacred mission and guidance of our priests and religious and so seek a strong, evolving partnership between priests and laity.

We believe in charity and compassion, that these virtues can be joined with talent and the ability to ease the burden of others.

We hold that there is a sanctity and dignity to life in all its aspects and so reach out in service to all in need; it is in doing so that our faith is made real for us and for others.

We recognize that devotion to our goals requires action as well as faith. Because such action is truly fruitful when supported by a sound foundation, we are committed to the achievement and maintenance of the financial solvency of the parish.

In pursuit of these goals, our mission is sacred and heroic. Within this part of our world, we strive to create a time and place of peace, fellowship and belief for ourselves and all we meet. In this way, the people of the parish of St. Bernard and St. Stanislaus seek - and share - the promise of eternal life with God.
