Welcome to St. Bernard of Clairvaux and
St. Stanislaus Kostka Church
in Plainfield, NJ

The 2025 Annual Appeal has begun!
Each year we are invited to participate
in the Annual Appeal, which is an opportunity to support essential ministries and programs of our Archdiocese.
We are grateful to share that we have already received $9,620 in pledges—thank you to all who have given so generously! Your support of the 2025 Annual Appeal helps sustain the mission of Christ in our Archdiocese. Please help our parish reach goal by June 30 and possibly receive financial incentives!
Our goal of $30,181.02 can only be reached through your generosity and sacrifice. If you have not yet made your gift, we invite you to prayerfully consider doing so. To make an online gift, please visit rcan.org/sharing.
Thank you for your prayers, your generosity, and your faithful support of our Catholic mission. May God bless you abundantly!
New Mass Schedule:
After Easter 2025 we will add a Spanish Mass to our Sunday Mass schedule. The new schedule will be:
9:00 AM - English
10:30 AM - Polish
12:00 PM - English
1:30 PM – Spanish
This new mass schedule will start on
2nd Sunday of Easter, April 27th